Joe Verde

Joe Verde, the President of Joe Verde Sales & Management Training, Inc. (JVSMT), has been in the car business since 1973. He's been the '8-car guy' and the 38-car sales
professional, a manager and dealer principal. In 1985, he founded JVSMT and is the leader in dealer, management and sales training worldwide.
JVSMT is the people's choice hands down, and is in constant demand to speak around the world to automotive groups. Through Joe Verde's leadership, the company was rated the #1 Training Company again this year, by thousands of dealers and managers across the USA, and has spoken 25 times at the NADA Annual Convention.
With a verifiable track record of success every year since 1985, and with over 50% of the top 500 dealers in America and most of the Top 100 Internet Dealers as current clients, the Joe Verde focus is on "Leadership First" with an exclusive formula for success taught only in Joe Verde leadership workshops. JVSMT also offers advanced workshops for sales and management for dealerships of any size.
Joe pioneered virtual training in the automotive industry in 2005. Joe Verde's Training Network® (, has quickly become the Most Watched Virtual Training Resource In The Industry. With over 7 million training chapters watched to date, dealers, managers and their salespeople are continuing to develop and improve their skills every day.
Joe Verde has written the most relevant books in our industry: A Dealer's Guide To Recovery & Growth, Manage Your Career In Sales – Goal Setting For Salespeople, How To Sell A Car Today, plus Earn Over $100,000 Selling Cars – Every Year.
At JVSMT, we build leaders in management and sales and we teach them how to build great selling organizations to sell more units, earn more net profit, satisfy every customer and retain those customers for life in every department.
We make BOLD statements and we produce BIG RESULTS.
Call today and take your career to a whole new level!
(800) 445-6217